
Owner’s engineer in charge of monitoring and supervising work on the construction of infrastructure to evacuate energy from the regional solar power plants in Burkina Faso | 10/2024 - 12/2027

Work supervision components include (i) the construction of grid infrastructure connection of two solar power farms of PV-75MWp/BESS-25MW/75MWh at Konean & PV-225MWp/BESS-75MW/225MWh at Kanougou, (ii) the installation of grid reinforcement infrastructures and (iii) the installation of an on-grid battery energy storage system of 50MWh.

Burkina Faso | World Bank

Owner’s engineer in charge of the control, monitoring and supervision works of grid densification and extension in 483 rural and urban localities in the departments of Atlantique, Littoral, Oueme and Plateau. | 10/2024 - 10/2029

Work supervision components include (i) the construction and/or refurbishment of around 2,000 km of MV lines and 4,000 km of LV lines, (ii) the addition of distribution transformation capacity of around 100,000 kVA, (iii) the connection of around 150,000 households, (iv) the connection of around 1,000 businesses & 500 public infrastructures and (v) the installation of around 20,000 efficient public lighting systems.

Benin | World Bank

Supervision works for the electricity generation & distribution systems in Buchanan, Greenville and Barclayville | 08/2024 - 12/2027

Work supervision components include (i) the construction of the distribution network in Buchanan & Greenville towns, (ii) the construction of solar power plant in Greenville, (iii) the construction of minihydro power plant, (iv) the construction of solar power minigrid in Barclayville and (v) the development of the gender component of the project.

Liberia | European Development Fund

Wind resource assessment for eight (08) proposed sites in Zimbabwe including Detailed feasibility, ESIA & RAP studies | 08/2024 - 08/2026

The Ministry of Energy and Power Development with support from the African Development Bank would like to carry out wind energy resource measurements on eight sites that have the highest wind energy potential in Zimbabwe. These sites are to be determined through measurements and analysis of publicly available data.

Zimbabwe | African Development Bank

Supervision and control of works on the 161kV high voltage power line construction project Dapaong - Mango | 05/2024 - 03/2026

The scope of service include but is not limited to (i) the review of engineering design studies, (ii) the attendance factory and on-site equipments acceptance tests, (iii) the daily on-site control/supervision, (iv) the drafting of various reports and (v) the delivery of provisional & final acceptance of works.

Togo | Islamic Development Bank

Technical assistance to the ministry of energy for the implementation of the sustainable energy access program in Mozambique | 04/2024 - 04/2026

The scope of service include (i) the mapping, identification, prioritization & definition of target areas for private investment in minigrids and clean-cooking solutions, (ii) the support of structuring off-grid energy auctions and  (iii) the promotion of intersectoral coordination.

Mozambique | World Bank Group

Detailed feasibility studies on two identified sites for hydrid solar-hydro minigrids and mapping of local supply chain in Cameroon | 02/2024-03/2025

The scope of service provided by the consultant is (i) the inception activities & existing data collection, (ii) the energy demand & hydrological assessment of the sites, (iii) the fieldwork & mapping of local market, (iv) the detailed design of power production

& distribution facilities and (v) the environmental & social impact assessment.

Cameroon | African Development Bank

Technical design, preparation of tender documents and procurement assistance for the construction of HV power lines and substations | 06/2023 - 03/2024

The project include the development of feasibility studies, preparation of tender document and procurement assistance for (i) the construction of 244Km of 161kV HV power line, (ii) the construction of a 161/33kV substation at Notsé & a 161/20kV substation at Kpalimé and (iii) the extension of the existing 161/20kV substations at Davié and Atakpamé.

Togo | World Bank Group

Feasibility study and environmental & social impact assessment for the development of a green minigrid on Jinack island for UNDP-Gambia | 01/2023 - 05/2023

The objective this assignment is to conduct a detailed design and the associated environmental and social impact assessment of a green minigrid on the jinack island in the North Bank region. The outcome of the assignment is to inform the government and its partners of the technical and financial prerequisites for the electrification of Jinack through a green minigrid.

Gambia | United Nation Development Program

Owner's Engineer for the control & supervision of works and supplies under subcomponent 1.a: Small capacity renewable energy infrastructure and power transmission lines | 08/2022 - 08/2026

The service provided include the development of tender documents, the procurement assistance and the control & supervision of construction including the implementation of ESHS aspects for the construction of the solar power systems in Fogo (2.08MWp/2.08MWh), Santo Antao (1.4MWp/2MWh), Maio (0.5MWp/1MWh) and Sao Nicolau (0.5MWp/1MWh).

Cabo Verde | World Bank Group

Benin Electricity Access Scale-up Project (BEAS) - Feasibility studies of grid extension & densification in both rural and urban areas in the departments of Mono, Atlantique, Littoral & Oueme (four lots) | 08/2022 - 04/2024

The objective this assignment is to carry out feasibility studies for grid extension and densification in four departements in Benin: Mono (101 localities), Atlantique (192 localities), Littoral (165 localities) & Oueme (66 localities). Studies carried out encompass (i) the detailed design for the densification and reinforcement of distribution transformer power or repositioning transformers at the centre of gravity of loads and extension of LV lines & (ii) the detailed study of the extension of medium and low-voltage lines and equipping MV/LV substations.

Benin | World Bank Group

Technical & social feasibility study for the electrification by connection to the conventional grid of future projects relating to the electrification of 150 rural localities in the departments of Collines, Zou and Mono | 06/2022 - 05/2024

The objective of the project is to carried out Technical, economic and social feasibility studies for the electrification of 150 rural localities in the Collines, Zou and Mono regions by connection to the conventional grid. The study is carried out in two parts: (i) detailed design study for the electrification of 150 localities & (ii) environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) for the electrification of 150 localities. The activities completed include the georefencing & topographical surveys, the energy demand assessment and the electrical & mechanical design of distribution lines.

Benin | African Development Bank

ECOWAS Regional Electricity Access Project (ECOREAP) - Owner's engineering services to the project unit in Guinea-Bissau | 01/2022 - 12/2023

The owner's engineering service to the project implementation unit consists in reviewing the project feasibility study, the detailed engineering studies, supporting the procurement process, supervising and monitoring the electrification works for 180 localities which included (i) the construction of 1,800 km of 30KV three-phase MV power lines, (ii) the construction of 1,200 km of 0.4KV three phase LV power lines, (iii) the installation of 149 three-phase MV/LV substations, (iv) the installation of 77 single-phase MV/LV substations using the MALT system and (v) the connection of 35,000 potential consumers.

Guinea-Bissau | World Bank Group

Grid integration studies to the national interconnected network of the Maroua, Guider & Garoua Solar Power Systems PV/BESS (35MW/20MWh) | 01/2021 - 02/2022

In other to reduce the energy deficit in the Adamawa, North and Far North regions of Cameroon, Eneo the national utility company, together with its financial partners, has made strategic investments in the Northern Interconnected Network (NIN), in particular the construction of two solar power plants with a combined capacity of 35MWp (in Garoua and Guider) and a 20MWh Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) in Guider. It is in this context that the Consultant has been selected to carry out a grid connection study of these infrastructures into the NIN.

Cameroon | Eneo Cameroon